ProfileEleni Stroulia (PhD, Georgia Tech 1994) holds the NSERC/AITF Industrial Research Chair on Service Systems Management (w. IBM support) with the Department of Computing Science. Her research focuses on (a) developing methods and tools to support software-engineering activities, and (b) designing and deploying software-based solutions for real-world applications in health care, education, and knowledge work. She has supervised more than 50 graduate students, has co-authored over 200 publications, and has served in the organization of many international software-engineering conferences. Over the last 6 years, in addition to leading her IRC research program, she has held leadership roles with two NCEs (GRAND and AGE-WELL), the SAVI Strategic Network and a Strategic Project on Knowledge Mobilization and Innovation. Products
Title | Category | Date | Authors |
A T-shaped Measure of Multidisciplinarity in Academic Research Networks: The GRAND Case StudyService-science research has long been studying T-shapedness, arguing that service scientists should be T-shaped individuals, deeply knowledgeable in one field and able to collaborate and communicate across disciplines. The value of multidisciplinarity has also been recognized in academic environments, as funding agencies are committing substantial support to large-scale research initiatives that span across disciplines, organizations, academia and industry, even across national borders, and aim to address the major challenges of our time, from climate change, to energy shortage, to pandemics. New incentives and performance indicators are needed to encourage and reward multidisciplinary collaborative work. In this paper, we introduce a metric for multidisciplinarity, based on the notion of T-shapedness and we report on the application of this measure on data collected over four years from the GRAND Network of Centres of Excellence, a large-scale, Canadian, multidisciplinary research network conducting research on digital media with numerous academic and industrial partners. We describe our findings on how the community evolved over time in terms of its T-shaped multidisciplinarity and compare the multidisciplinarity of GRAND researchers to their non-GRAND peers.Res University of Alberta, University of Toronto | Publication | 2018-12-01 | David Turner, Diego Serrano Suarez, Eleni Stroulia, Kelly Lyons | Measuring User Influence in GitHub: The Million Follower FallacyInfluence in social networks has been extensively studied for collaborative-filtering recommendations and marketing purposes. We are interested in the notion of influence in Software Social Networks (SSNs); more specifically, we want to answer the following questions: 1) What does "influence" mean in SSNs? Given the variety of types of interactions supported in these networks and the abundance of centrality-type metrics, what is the nature of the influence captured by these matrics? 2) Are there silos of influence in these platforms or does influence span across thematic boundaries? To investigate these two questions, we first conducted an in-depth comparison of three influence metrics, number of followers, number of forked projects, and number of project watchers in GitHub¹ (the largest code-sharing and version-control system). Next, we examined how the influence of the most influential software-engineering people in GitHub is spread over different programming languages. Our results indicate (a) that the three influence metrics capture two major characteristics: popularity and content value (code reusability) and (b) that the influence of influentials is spread over more than one programming language, but there is no specific trend toward any two programming languages.SoftCollab University of Alberta | Publication | 2016-01-01 | Ali Sajedi, Eleni Stroulia | Crowdsourced bug triaging: Leveraging Q&A platforms for bug assignmentBug triaging, i.e., assigning a bug report to the “best” person to address it, involves identifying a list of developers that are qualified to understand and address the bug report, and then ranking them according to their expertise. Most research in this area examines the description of the bug report and the developers’ prior development and bug-fixing activities. In this paper, we propose a novel method that exploits a new source of evidence for the developers’ expertise, namely their contributions in Stack Overflow, the popular software Question and Answer (Q&A) platform. The key intuition of our method is that the questions a developer asks and answers in Stack Overflow, or more generally in software Q&A platforms, can potentially be an excellent indicator of his/her expertise. Motivated by this idea, our method uses the bug-report description as a guide for selecting relevant Stack Overflow contributions on the basis of which to identify developers with the necessary expertise to close the bug under examination. We evaluated this method in the context of the 20 largest GitHub projects, considering 7144 bug reports. Our results demonstrate that our method exhibits superior accuracy to other state-of-the-art methods.SoftCollab University of Alberta | Publication | 2016-01-01 | Ali Sajedi, A Hindle, Eleni Stroulia | Crowdsourced bug triagingBug triaging and assignment is a time-consuming task in big projects. Most research in this area examines the developers' prior development and bug-fixing activities in order to recognize their areas of expertise and assign to them relevant bug fixes. We propose a novel method that exploits a new source of evidence for the developers' expertise, namely their contributions to Q&A platforms such as Stack Overflow. We evaluated this method in the context of the 20 largest GitHub projects, considering 7144 bug reports. Our results demonstrate that our method exhibits superior accuracy to other state-of-the-art methods, and that future bug-assignment algorithms should consider exploring other sources of expertise, beyond the project's version-control system and bug tracker.SoftCollab University of Alberta | Publication | 2015-01-01 | Ali Sajedi, A Hindle, Eleni Stroulia | GitHub's Big Data Adaptor: An Eclipse PluginThe data of GitHub, the most popular code-sharing platform, fits the characteristics of "big data" (Volume, Variety and Velocity). To facilitate studies on this huge GitHub data volume, the GHTorrent web-site publishes a MYSQL dump of (some) GitHub data quarterly. Unfortunately, developers using these published data dumps face challenges with respect to the time required to parse and ingest the data, the space required to store it, and the latency of their queries. To help address these challenges, we developed a data adaptor as an Eclipse plugin, which efficiently handles this dump. The plugin offers an interactive interface through which users can explore and select any field in any table. After extracting the data selected by the user, the parser exports it in easy-to-use spreadsheets. We hope that using this plugin will facilitate further studies on the GitHub data as a whole.SoftCollab University of Alberta | Publication | 2015-01-01 | Ali Sajedi, Vraj Shah, Eleni Stroulia | Involvement, Contribution and Influence in GitHub and Stack OverflowSoftware developers are increasingly adopting social-media platforms to contribute to software development, learn and develop a reputation for themselves. GitHub supports version-controlled code sharing and social-networking functionalities and Stack Overflow is a social forum for question answering on programming topics. Motivated by the features' overlap of the two networks, we set out to mine and analyze and correlate the members' core contributions, editorial activities and influence in the two networks. We aim to better understand the similarities and differences of the members' contributions in the two platforms and their evolution over time. In this context, while studying the activities of different user groups, we conducted a three-step investigation of GitHub activity, Stack Overflow activity and inter-network activity over a five-year period. We report our findings on interesting membership and activity patterns within each platform and some relations between the two.SoftCollab University of Alberta | Publication | 2014-01-01 | Ali Sajedi, Afsaneh Esteki, Ameneh Gholipour, Abram Hindle, Eleni Stroulia | Analyzing and Visualizing the Canadian Research LandscapeResearch evaluation is an important activity in the overall context of scholarly work, for researchers' career advancement, publication and proposal adjudication, universities' strategic investments, and funding agencies' planning. In this paper, we describe a system that uses state-of-the-art text-analysis methods to analyze and visualize the grant dataset, recently made available by NSERC to gain insights around the science-and-technology research in Canada, which we believe can inform the above processes.
Res University of Alberta | Publication | 2019-01-01 | Victor Silva, Ashley Herman, Maryam Mirzaei, Elisa Du, Bowen Hu, Lianne M Lefsrud, Joerg Sander, Eleni Stroulia, Monica Sawchyn |